Shihan Yahya Carlos Lont (6th Dan)
[lead]For me Kyokushin Karate is a way to perfect a person’s character and teaches you how to merge your thoughts, soul and body. My main objective is to extend my Kyokushin Karate knowledge and experience to the next generation while preserving its culture etiquettes and ethics.[/lead]
Senpai Djalaal Lont (2nd Dan)
[lead]Kyokushin karate is essential in my life. It strengthens the body and keeps it fit. It strengthens the mind and cultivates discipline. It strengthens the soul and teaches you to never give up. It is more than just a sport, it becomes part of who you are. [/lead]
Senpai Ruslan Shalabayev (2nd Dan)
[lead]It has been almost ten years since I first step into the Kyokushin Karate DOJO. Throughout this time, persistent trainings helped me to develop not only my physical condition, but also play a big role in the formation of my character. The ability to rise above my self during hard trainings, is reflected well in all aspects of my life, when it is necessary to show firmness in dealing with various problems. Kyokushin Karate means a lot to me. It is not only Martial Art, but the lifestyle. [/lead]