
Rab Datu

In my almost one year of training at Katsu Dojo I feel I’ve been more equipped in the art of self-defence then the lifetime I’ve spent studying and practising in mainstream karate, training in Katsu Dojo is a confidence booster teachers you discipline unlike many other martial arts and most of all strengthens your body

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I have been involved in sports since my childhood and i have seen many different coaches and training places. Based on my personal experience I can say that Katsu Dojo in Malaysia is a perfect place for an individual to train. A trainee will grow there physically, mentally and spiritually. I want to shortly describe

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Terrance English

Dojo operator, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia I trained at the Katsu dojo in January of 2013. I am from Australia and was staying in KL a while. I was very impressed with the level of training that the Katsu dojo represents. It was clear that all students there were very committed and ready to train hard.

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I have learned/taken part in sports under the leadership of different coaches but nobody comes close to the caliber of Shihan Yahya. A dynamic individual who constantly pushes students through his demanding training, yet the most striking feature about Shihan is humbleness in his approach and friendliness towards his students. The carryout effect from the

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Addy Hejazi

The best thing about Katsu Dojo is that it does what any sport all about. It brings you people from different cultures and parts of the world to come and share their love for the game and their knowledge about fighting sports. But… you better be aware because… no pain means no gain….

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